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Making Digital Accessibility a Priority at Picus Security

The Team

Duygu Gökoğlu        Product Designer
Pelin Benli                   Information Systems Senior Auditor


1 week

Introduction to Our Accessibility Journey

Project’s key objective

At Picus Security, we believe in creating a digital environment that is accessible to all, including individuals with disabilities. In line with our commitment to inclusivity, we recently conducted a thorough WCAG 2.2 AA self-assessment of our web platforms. Our aim is not just to comply with legal standards but to lead by example in the cyber security industry.


The Power of Tools: Lighthouse and UserWay


Our evaluation process incorporated advanced tools such as Lighthouse and UserWay. Lighthouse helped us identify areas where our website could improve in accessibility by providing a detailed breakdown of our compliance with accessibility standards. UserWay, on the other hand, offered actionable insights and solutions that we could implement immediately.

Our Goals and Systematic Approach


The ultimate goal of our accessibility project is to ensure that the Picus Complete Security Control Validation Platform is fully inclusive. We employ a systematic approach to identify and rectify barriers, ensuring our platform is perceivable, operable, understandable, and robust for users with diverse needs


Our Accessibility Roadmap

Our journey towards better accessibility is structured into key stages

  1. Assessment and Planning: We start with a detailed audit using our chosen tools to establish a baseline and set clear objectives.

  2. Remediation: Following the audit, we prioritize and implement changes that will have the most immediate impact on our platform's accessibility.

  3. Continuous Monitoring and Iteration: Accessibility is an ongoing commitment. We continuously monitor our platform and iterate based on user feedback and new standards.

Insights from Our Self-Assessment

We found that while our platforms are generally accessible, there is always room for improvement. For example, ensuring that all media content is captioned and that text and images maintain a sufficient contrast ratio are areas where we can enhance accessibility.


Detailed Discussion on Accessibility Violation Charts 


These graphs summarize the accessibility violations identified in our recent audit. The visualizations depict the number of violations encountered, classified by Level, Severity, and Category, helping to pinpoint areas that require immediate attention.

  • Level Donut Chart: The donut chart shows 26 Level A and 18 Level AA violations, indicating a higher frequency of critical accessibility issues, with Level A and Level AA denoting the standards set forth by the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG).

  • Severity Donut Chart: With 26 high, 9 medium, and 9 low severity violations, the chart highlights the urgent need to address the most severe issues.

  • Category Donut Chart: The chart reveals Aria* and Names & Labels as the most common problem areas with 17 and 20 violations respectively, while Navigation issues are also notable with 9 occurrences; Contrast has the least with just 1 issue detected.

*ARIA stands for Accessible Rich Internet Applications. It's a set of attributes that define ways to make web content and applications more accessible, particularly for people with disabilities using assistive technologies like screen readers, voice recognition software, and more.

*ARIA stands for Accessible Rich Internet Applications. It's a set of attributes that define ways to make web content and applications more accessible, particularly for people with disabilities using assistive technologies like screen readers, voice recognition software, and more.

Accessibility Tests Comparison

The following graph features a comprehensive comparative analysis between the initial and the subsequent scans conducted specifically on December 5th and 13th. Upon comparing the scan reports from December 5th and December 13th, notable progress has been made.


Violations Daily Trend


The “Violation Daily Log & Counts” graph illustrates total violations, further breaking them down into Level A and Level AA.
Following recent improvements, the overall violations decreased from 84 to 44.

Our Commitment

Ensuring digital accessibility is not just about ticking a box for compliance; it's about genuinely opening up our digital spaces to everyone. This journey is about constant learning and adaptation, and we are committed to this process.

We welcome feedback from all users and encourage our community to reach out if they encounter any issues with our platform's accessibility. Together, we can create a more inclusive digital world.

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