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Goodreads Redesign
Goodreads redesign_2


Case Study for Goodreads.


What is Goodreads and how much is it used?

Goodreads is a social network based on reading books. Basically, it allows to keep track of the books read and to discover new books. Apart from that, you can communicate with other readers with whom you share common interests as friends with other members. You can list the books you have read on the site, rate them, read the comments about the books, make comments or get book recommendations. It was bought by Amazon for $150 million in 2013.


Project scope

The group feature of Goodreads is used to chat, contact or organize events about specific topics with other people who enjoy reading. Groups can often be diversified into local groups, specific fan groups (Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, etc.), groups of famous people.

Designed pages
Group Listing Page
Group Pageı


Target Group

Those who use it to follow their friends' reading movements
Users to get book recommendations, use book reviews
Track progress towards annual target

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