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The re-evaluation of the urban waste generated by the living organism of the city and the urban touch since the collapse of modernism became a new theme of the architectural intellectual environment. At this point, the question “uncanny” emerged in the psychoanalytic search for an answer to the question. Uncanny and Urban Hole concepts have not been described in a historical line, but a conceptual map has been drawn up and tried to examine it with the examples in the urban scale. This experience of the city is essentially communication. Architectural, cultural, social indications offer meaning to the individual. The noise source in architecture, entropy, becomes tainted in terms of architectural meaning, which interrupts the urban fabric. In those interruptions of the city, many layers of complexity are revealed and the result is heterogenous space. As a result, architectural products of these concepts have been examined for the selected AKM and its surroundings. These examinations are intended to provide an interface for other urban waste areas that have achieved an urban experiment.

Uncanny, Entropy, Terrain Vague,
Non-space, Khora

Prof. Dr. Nur Çağlar

Duygu Gökoğlu, Utku Coşkuner

Ankara, Turkey

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